story within a storyの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Thus Mahbhrata has as a Story within a story structure.
  2. Sixth, this is becoming a story within a story.
  3. The ambassador's story within a story ends here.
  4. The book has a nested narrative that tells a story within a story.
  5. Burke leaves and the story within a story ends.


  1. "story time"の例文
  2. "story undone"の例文
  3. "story universe"の例文
  4. "story untold"の例文
  5. "story use"の例文
  6. "story without words"の例文
  7. "story word"の例文
  8. "story workshop"の例文
  9. "story world"の例文
  10. "story writing"の例文
  11. "story untold"の例文
  12. "story use"の例文
  13. "story without words"の例文
  14. "story word"の例文

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